Legal Notice


This Legal Notice contains the general information that service providers in the Information Society are obliged to make available to Users in compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services, whereby Users are informed of the following: 

Identification and domain ownership data: 

Users are informed that this domain belongs to Agrupació Esportiva MICFootball (hereinafter AE MICFootball), with Fiscal Identity Number G-62989124 and enrolled under number 11574 in the registry of sports entities maintained by the Consell Català de l’Esport de la Generalitat de Catalunya (the Catalan Council of Sports of the Catalan Generalitat) 

  • Website: 
  • Phone: 93 5897020 
  • Contact e-mail: 
  • Dirección: Avda. Cerdanyola, 98 – Despatx 12. 08172 Sant Cugat – Barcelona. 


Acceptance, Access and Conditions for Using this Website: 

This Legal Notice regulates access and use of the sports information and services offered by the website (hereinafter, the “Website”) that AE MICFootball makes available to its users (hereinafter, “Users”).  

Access to this site implies the unreserved acceptance of this Legal Notice.  

AE MICFootball offers services through the Website that may be subject to specific conditions, about which the User will be informed in each specific case.  

Visiting the Website does not require prior subscription or registration as a user to access or use this web site, without prejudice to the fact that the use of certain services or contents (such as competitions, contests, lotteries, games, tournaments, etc.) requires prior subscription or registration as an Authorized User. In each case, the forms will expressly indicate the guarantees that assist Users with regard to the protection of their personal data.  

The data obtained from Users by means of subscription or registration shall be protected using passwords assigned by the organization. The User commits to keeping their password secret and to protecting it against unauthorised use by third parties. Any unauthorised use or any security violation related to the service must be reported to: 

The User guarantees the authenticity and veracity of the personal data provided and is committed to updating the information so that it reflects, at every moment, the User’s current situation. AE MICFootball will process the personal data provided by the Usersubject to the Privacy Policy published on the Website and that the User will accept when applicable.  

AE MICFootball shall not assume any responsibility for any data revealed to third parties unless reasons exist that are directly attributable to AE MICFootball, nor is it responsible for the use of such data by third parties.  

The User agrees to use the Website, content and services in accordance with the Law, this Legal Notice, good conduct and public order. Likewise, the User undertakes to abstain from using the Website, its contents or any of the services provided for illegal purposes, for effects contrary to this Legal Notice or for any purposes that are harmful to the interests or rights of third parties, that in any way could damage, disable or impair the Website or its services, or that prevent the normal enjoyment of the Website by other users.  

Likewise, the User expressly agrees not to destroy, alter, disable or in any other way damage data, programs and other electronic documents available on the Website.  

The User agrees to not hinder the access of other users of the service through massive consumption of the IT resources that AE MICFootball uses to provide its service, nor will the User perform actions that may damage, interrupt or generate errors in said systems or services.  

The User undertakes not to introduce programs, viruses, macros, or any other device or logical sequence of characters that cause or are likely to cause any alteration in the computer systems of the Website or third parties.  


AE MICFootball is not liable for any security errors that may occur or for any damage to the User’s computer system or to stored files as a result of a possible virus in the User’s computer or due to a browser malfunction.  

Likewise, AE MICFootball does not accept any responsibility for the infringements of industrial and intellectual property rights caused by third parties, nor for the non-compliance of third-parties that may affect Users of the AE MICFootball Website. Damages and losses due to identity theft of a third party carried out by a User on the Website shall be the responsibility of the person carrying out these actions.  

Intellectual and industrial property: 

All the contents of this Website, unless otherwise indicated, are the property of AE MICFootball and include but are not limited to the source code, texts, images, logos, graphic designs, illustrations, photographs, and other elements that appear on the Website.  

Likewise, all trade names, brands, logos and distinctive signs of any kind contained on the Website are protected by law.  

AE MICFootball does not grant to the User any type of license or authorization for personal use regarding the industrial and intellectual property rights or any other property or right related to the Website, the services or the contents offered therein.  

The User acknowledges that the reproduction, distribution, marketing, transformation, and any other general form of exploitation by any means of all or part of the contents of this Website constitutes an infringement of AE MICFootball’s intellectual and/or industrial property rightsTherefore, it is totally prohibited to exploit, wholly or in part, any of the contents of the Website.  


The Website may contain advertising contents or be sponsored. The advertisers and sponsors in each case are solely responsible for ensuring that the material sent for inclusion on the Website complies with the relevant and applicable laws. AE MICFootball will not be liable for any error, inaccuracy or irregularity that advertising or sponsorship content may contain.  

To file any claim related to the advertising content included on this Website, please contact the following email address:  

Marketing and promotional communications: 

The email address provided by the User is considered personal data as it could be used to identify them; thus, by completing and sending any forms requiring personal data through this Website, the User grants AE MICFootball express permission to use their personal details for sending commercial or promotional communications concerning products and services provided through the Website.  

These communications shall be preceded by the word “publicity” at the beginning of the messages and will clearly identify AE MICFootball. However, the User may revoke their consent to receive commercial communications at any time by simply sending an email to: 

Promotions and lotteries: 

It is possible that at some point, completely free of charge and to the families that request it, we will send some shares for participation in the drawing of the ONCE lottery on some certain day. Each share is valued at 3 euros, and families can sell them and thus self-finance the campus. The prize for the winning share is an iPad Mini. AE MICFootball will not communicate or make public at any time the name of the winner.  


This Legal Notice refers only to the Website and contents of and does not apply to links or web pages of third parties accessible through the Website.  

AE MICFootball is not responsible for the contents of any linked website, nor for any link included on a website that is accessed from the Website, nor for any changes or updates to these pages.  

AE MICFootball is not responsible for damages or harm of any nature caused to Users by technical linking devices, directories and search tools that allow Users to access websites that belong to and/or are managed by third parties.  

The inclusion in websites that do not belong to AE MICFootball of hyperlinks for advertising, marketing or association purposes that allow access to the AE MICFootball Website without its prior consent and/or express authorization is strictly prohibited.  

Social networks: 

The User can join Groups that AE MICFootball has created on different social networks. The User who becomes a follower of any Group owned by AE MICFootball accepts the Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy of the corresponding social network.  



Personal data protection: 

In accordance with current regulations on the protection of personal data, the User may send AE MICFootball their personal data through the forms that appear in different sections of the Website. These forms incorporate legal text on the protection of personal data in compliance with the requirements established in current legislation on the protection of personal data.  

Likewise, Users are informed that AE MICFootball will process their personal data in strict accordance with the Privacy Policy contained on this Website and accepted by the interested party.  

Processing the data of minors: 

In compliance with current regulations on personal data protection, processing the data of children under 13 years of age by AE MICFootball will require the consent of parents, guardians or legal representatives.  

To this effect, AE MICFootball has put in place procedures that ensure the effective verification of the child’s age and the authenticity of the consent given by parents, guardians or legal representatives. Accordingly, in each case where a minor participates in an event organized by AE MICFootball, obtaining parental consent will require data indicating the identity of the parent or guardian in the form of their postal address, email address, a copy of their Spanish National Identification Card and/or the Family Record Book, whereby parentage is clearly determined.  

Modification of Legal Notice: 

AE MICFootball reserves the right to modify at any time and without prior notice the present Legal Notice on this web page; thus, it should be read periodically by the User.  

Applicable law and jurisdiction: 

In the event that the User is domiciled outside of Spain, AE MICFootball and the User expressly renounce any other jurisdiction and will be subjected to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Barcelona.  
