Privacy Policy

Data Protection 

A.- Information for the User 

Users of the website are hereby informed of the following policy regarding the processing and protection of the personal data of users and clients.  

AE MICFootball (hereinafter MIC) is responsible for processing the personal data of the User and informs him or her that this data will be processed in accordance with the provisions of the regulations in force regarding the protection of personal data.  

In accordance with this, the interested party is hereby guaranteed of his or her right to access, rectify, cancel and object to the data that concerns him or her, and they may do so by sending a written communication to the following email address: The owner of the data is informed and consents, where applicable, to the communication and processing of their personal data under the proper conditions of security and professional secrecy for the period that is necessary to achieve the purpose for which it is collected, processed and transferred, and under the conditions indicated below.  

B.- Processing information

According to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27th, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of these data and by which the Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation) is repealed, the user must receive timely and specific information from the person responsible for the treatment and its uses and purposes. For this, the following information is provided:

Party responsible for data processing

Identity: AE MICFootball 

Fiscal ID Number: G-62989124
Mailing address: Av. Cerdanyola, 98 – Despatx 12 – 08173 – Sant Cugat del Vallès – Barcelona 


  1. Purpose of processing

AE MICFootball processes the information provided by interested parties for the following purposes:  

a) Managing registration in the tournament of the registered minor. The data will be kept for 10 years after the last registration in the tournament.  

 b) Contacting and providing Users with information they request on the website, by email or by telephone. The data will be deleted once their query is considered resolved 

 c) Sending the newsletter in cases of having subscribed to it, either on the tournament registration form or by subscribing to it through the corresponding form on the website. The data will be kept for the duration of the subscription to the newsletter 

d) Send the information leaflet if it has been requested. The details will be preserved only during the management of the request.   

e) Carrying out the marketing activities of other member companies that comprise MIC Sports, all of which are listed in the relevant section provided when Users give their consent at the time of registration. The data will be kept for the duration of the newsletter subscription.  

f) Sending advertising for sports brand products that sponsor the tournament, depending on the options marked on the registration form. The data will be kept for the duration of the newsletter subscription.  

g) For the cases of the coaches or team managers of the clubs who have given us their details as the contact person of the Club, their data will be used to contact them to manage any aspect related to the registration in the Tournament, as well as to communicate any aspect related to its celebration.  

The email address indicated will be considered the main contact of the club, and there will be sent all the information about future AE MICFootball Tournaments and the rest of GRUPO MIC companies indicated below, if it is authorized.  

The data will be kept for 10 years after the club’s last registration in the tournament.  

In case of being used for other purposes, they will be kept during the period of time indicated above that is higher.   

  1. Justification for processing

AE MICFootball is justified in processing your data for the following reasons: 

a) In cases of tournament registration, it is essential for the proper management of subscriptions and the functioning of the championship/tournament.  

b) In cases of responding to queries sent by the interested party, your express consent was granted upon accepting the privacy policy.  

c) In cases of sending the newsletter, your express consent was granted when entering your data and accepting the privacy policy.  

d) In case of the delivery of the information leaflet, for its express consent introducing the details and accepting the privacy policy.  

e) In cases of sending advertising for the other member companies of MIC Sports, your express consent was granted at the time of completing the registration form or you expressly consented on the corresponding form on the website.  

f) In cases of sending advertising from third-party companies sponsoring the tournament, your express consent was granted at the time of completing the registration form.  

g) In the case of processing the data of the coach or team leader, for being essential for the correct Management of the tournament, and for being a legitimate interest of AE MICFootball inform the Club about future events.  


4.Recipients of disclosures

The data collected will be transferred and shared with the other MIC Sports companies, if so authorized, for promotional purposes related to sports events and products. The entities that comprise MIC Sports are: GANG EVENTS AND INVESTMENT SL (B 66378076), AGRUPACIÓ ESPORTIVA MICFOOTBALL (G 62989124), MIC SPORTS EVENTS AND CONSULTING SL (B 65658718), MICFOOTBALL SL (B 63385132), and GRUP ESPORTS PIRINEUS SL (NRT- L-706682-T. 

The transfer of data to GRUP ESPORTS PIRINEUS SL, whose address is in Andorra, constitutes a transfer of data in accordance with the regulation “Transfers of personal data to third States” under EU Regulation 2016/679, as set out in the Commission Decision of October 19, 2010 in accordance with Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council regarding the adequate protection of personal data in Andorra 

Likewise, your data will be transferred to those who are necessarily charged with processing it for proper contract management. In every case, our company contracts only data processing managers who offer sufficient guarantees regarding the implementation and maintenance of all appropriate technical and organizational measures in accordance with the provisions of the Registro General de Protección de Datos (the General Data Protection Agency) while also guaranteeing protection of the rights of the people affected  

5.Rights of interested parties

Any interested party has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not AE MICFootball  

is processing personal data that concern them. Interested persons have the right to access their personal data as well as to request rectification of inaccurate data or, when appropriate, to request its deletion when, for among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes that it was collected. In certain circumstances, interested parties may request restrictions on the processing of their data and, at any time, object to the processing of their data.  

To exercise the rights conferred, the interested party may make contact by means of the email address or postal address indicated in the first section.  

Finally, if you have not obtained satisfaction in exercising your rights, you have the right to file a claim with the national control authority, which in this case would be the SPANISH DATA PROTECTION AGENCY.  

C.- Security measures 

In accordance with the provisions of the regulations in force regarding the protection of personal data, AE MICFootball is in compliance with all the obligations established for processing the personal data for which it is responsible and which are processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to the interested party and, further, will be appropriate, pertinent and limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed.  

The provider guarantees that the appropriate technical and organizational policies have been implemented for applying the security measures established by the Registro General de Protección de Datos (the General Data Protection Agency) and by current regulations for protecting personal data in order to protect the rights and liberties of Users, and the appropriate information has been communicated so that they can exercise these rights.  
